Maxi Cosi Pearl 360 Pro i-Size Group 1 Toddler Car Seat – Authentic Graphite


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Maxi-Cosi Pearl 360 Pro is designed to make parents? lives easier every day. When used with the Family Fix 360 Pro slide out base (sold separately), you can effortlessly rotate and slide your toddler smoothly toward you. No backache, head bangs or struggles; simply lock, slide, spin and go! Pearl 360 Pro can be rotated smoothly and easily in any of the five recline positions, using only one hand. The easy-in harness stays open, allowing you to fasten your baby in the seat with minimum fuss. Pearl 360 Pro is made with premium materials that are easy to clean. ISOFIX connectors and support leg on the base provide the safest, easiest way to install the car seat, while helpful visual indicators show when the base and seat are properly installed, giving you the reassurance you want as a parent. Maxi-Cosi Pearl 360 Pro also comes with the AGR seal of approval, making it a ‘back-friendly’ car seat. AGR is an independent organisation of health care professionals and experts specialised in back related issues/ergonomics. They acknowledge that Pearl 360 Pro offers toddlers a comfortable, ergonomic solution during car travel, and thanks to Slide Tech?, Pearl 360 Pro offers parents the easiest, most ergonomic child installation as well, because you don?t have to bend in the car to lift them in and out every day. Maxi-Cosi Pearl 360 Pro can be used from 3 months up to 4 years old (approx. 105 cm). It can also be used directly from birth, in combination with a comfy newborn inlay (sold separately). During the first few years as a family, you?ll make lots of journeys and special memories with your little one. Days out, play dates, visiting friends and family and weekends away, as well as the every day nursery drop-offs, pick-ups and trips to the shops. Whatever their age, from infant to toddler, your little one will enjoy every ride whether they?re wide awake and enjoying the view outside or fast asleep during the journey. The Pearl 360 Pro has an extra-spacious seat, so your baby h