Recaro Salia Elite Carseat Cradle Adaptor



If you own both the Recaro Salia Elite car seat and a Recaro pushchair, why not turn them into a travel system using the Recaro Salia Elite Car Seat Adaptor? The adaptor will fit the Easylife 2 and the Easylife Elite 2 strollers with the additional purchase of the relevant adaptors, and it will fit the Sadena and Celona pushchairs out of the box as they come with the relevant adaptors. This allows you to take your little darling out of the car when they are asleep in the infant carrier part of the seat and clip it directly to the frame of the pushchair all without waking them! With the Salia Elite Adapter the infant carrier in the child seat can be simply and securely combined with the RECARO strollers. Thanks to simple handling, you can transfer your child during their midday nap from the car into the stroller, without your little darling waking up. Please note that the respective stroller adapter is also required here. Features: Go from car to pushchair without waking baby! Extends the life of your pushchair Save time with extremely simple installation Lightweight Easy to store