Ergobaby Metro + Compact City Stroller – Slate Grey


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The comfortable Compact Stroller just got even more comfortable. Metro+ delivers the pushpadding and ergonomic support you expect from Ergobaby, with bounus features like an adjustable, vegan leather handlebar, expectional maneuverability and Car Seat compatility. Still small and light enough to fit in most airplane overhead bins, Metro+ continues to deliver fan-favorite Metro features like large, UPF-50 cun conopy, near-flat recline, adjustable leg rest, spring suspention and never-flat PU rubber tires. FEATURES: Compact meets comfort-Still small enough to fit in most airplane overhead bins, the metro+ stroller folds with 1 hand and fits big comfort in a small package. Re-Designed, Ergonomic Bucket Seat- Angled ever-so -slighty to allow baby to sit back and be enveloped min confort, Metro+ new seat delivers even more padded support and additional side wing support. For Parents Tall and Small-Metro+ now offers an adjustable height handle bar that extends from 95cm to 105cm Useable from Brith, No accessory Needed- A near-flat recline, adjustable leg rest and hidden ‘newborn nest’ flaps makes Metro+ newborn-ready. Now parents can enjoy compact convinence from Day 1. Premium Detailing-Upgrade harness covers, branded buckle, night-reflactive details and a perforated vegan leather handlebar give Metro+ and ultra sleek look Extra Storage-Metro+ offers 16% more under-seat storage space then original Metro. Usable from Newborn up to 22kg-Comfortably fit from newborn to toddler Car Seat Compatible-Remove the Metro+ seat and dock selct Cybex, Nuna, Be Safe, or Maxi Cosi group 0/0+ Car Seats to creat a sleek and compact travel system. (adapters sold seperatly). DIMENSIONS: Size: 60. 96 x 46. 36 x 24. 77CM Weight: 9. 6kg